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EUT 220E - Industrial Design Studio I

Course Objectives

1. To provide interpretation skills of design problems.
2. To provide knowledge about basic principles in product interface designs.
3. To introduce product semantics and product language concepts and maintain that they are used in product design process.
4. To make sure that “human factors” are taken into consideration in design solutions.
5. To provide skills in designing products in which different material combinations are used.

Course Description

Simple Interfaces, Form Giving-Production Method Relationship, Product Semantics and Product Language Concepts, Undertaking Research During The Design Process And Transferring Research Data into Products, Human Factors in Design, Design Development through Three Dimensional Modelling, Developing of Presentation Techniques, Working Mechanism Model, Computer Aided Drawing, Developing Projects by Using Different Material Combinations.

Course Coordinator
Çiğdem Kaya
Course Language
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