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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / MIM 208 - Yapısal Analiz ve Tasarım I

MIM 208 - Structural Analysis and Design I

Course Objectives

Within the context of the course; concept of structural determinacy and indeterminacy, internal force distribution in determinate systems (continuous beams with hinges, three hinged frames and arches), truss configurations for large spans, deflection problems of beams and frames under gravity and/or lateral forces, internal force distribution in indeterminate systems and important rules to configure a regular structural system are given with examples of various structural systems. At the end of the course, students are expected to be capable of configuring proper structural systems with their approximate cross-sectional dimensions. And also within the context of the course; properties of steel as a structural material, sections used in steel structures, Load and Resistance Factored Design(LRFD)/Allowable Strength Design(ASD), Design of Steel Structural members under tension, compression and bending effects, Connection (Hinged and moment resisting connections) design, Design of steel trusses, Frames, Steel slab systems, Arrangement of stability elements in vertical and horizontal planes, Composite structures, Tall steel buildings are evaluated. At the end of the course, students are expected to be capable of configuring steel structural systems in their architectural projects.

Course Description

Within the context of the course; concept of structural determinacy and indeterminacy, internal force distribution in determinate systems (continuous beams with hinges, three hinged frames and arches), truss configurations for large spans, deflection problems of beams and frames under gravity and/or lateral forces, internal force distribution in indeterminate systems and important rules to configure a regular structural system are given with examples of various structural systems. At the end of the course, students are expected to be capable of configuring proper structural systems with their approximate cross-sectional dimensions. And also within the context of the course; properties of steel as a structural material, sections used in steel structures, Load and Resistance Factored Design(LRFD)/Allowable Strength Design(ASD), Design of Steel Structural members under tension, compression and bending effects, Connection (Hinged and moment resisting connections) design, Design of steel trusses, Frames, Steel slab systems, Arrangement of stability elements in vertical and horizontal planes, Composite structures, Tall steel buildings are evaluated. At the end of the course, students are expected to be capable of configuring steel structural systems in their architectural projects.

Course Coordinator
Necdet Torunbalcı
Course Language
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