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SBP 4036E - Transformation of Urban Systems

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students an opportunity to explore and examine different perspectives on the reproduction of urban space through a critical commentary on the policies and practices that influence contemporary urban agenda. It introduces students the knowledge and ability to stimulate critical thinking about the formulation, implementation and impact of initiatives that are effective in the reproduction of urban space with a focus on ‘re’ (renewal, regeneration, redevelopment), to provide students an opportunity to examine different perspectives and dynamics on the reproduction of urban space through the investigation of structural, contextual and socio-economic facets, implications and their inter-relationship, to provide awareness and facilitate understanding on the diverse processes, instruments and multi-layered implications of reproduction of urban space in Turkey, and to develop a collective understanding of strategic approaches and intervention instruments in the effective management of change in urban space.

Course Description

The course is based on a series of thematic sessions on the ‘re’ agenda and its theoretical and historical context through the exploration of different aspects and perspectives and their inter-relationship: (i) On the ‘re’ agenda: Models in the reproduction of urban space, (ii) Changing context: Evolution of urban ‘re’ framework, (iii) From brownfields to opportunity spaces: Space, place and design, (iv) Environmental responsibility, sustainability and resilience, (v) Urban economy and regeneration, (vi) Resolving community realm in urban regeneration, (vii) Managing and delivering urban regeneration, (viii) Urban ‘renewal’ in Turkey: The policy and practice

Course Coordinator
Zeynep Günay
Course Language
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