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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / MIM 336 - Mimarlıkta Mekan Analizi & Tek

MIM 336 - Spatial Analysis and Techniques in Architecture

Course Objectives

1.Place-space in architectural design, concepts and principals;
2.Visual communication, visuality and perception analysis in architectural design;
3.Expriencing space, examples and approaches,
4.Spatial analysis in architecture;
5.Topological and morphological analysing methods.

Course Description

Concept of space, space formation and space components. Traditional and contemporary approaches to space creation. Spatial organisation, spatial changes. Various building typologies and their design principles. Spatial analysis and techniques. Classification of space and building types. Analysis methods based on formalist and morphological approaches in terms of contextual and spatial characteristics. Explanation and application of analysing techniques for examples of various scales.

Course Coordinator
İffet Hülya Arı
Course Language
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