PEM 231E - Plant Material II
Course Objectives
Shrubs, groundcovers, trailing plants, and perennials of gymnospermeas and angiospermeas The soil and ecological demands, habitats and dispersion regions of this group. Their architectural and esthetic properties, and height, width, form, leaf, branch, flower and fruit characteristics. Landscape potantial of diverse plant materials and the use and utilization of these plants in landscape compositions.
Course Description
Shrubs, groundcovers, trailing plants, and perennials of gymnospermeas and angiospermeas The soil and ecological demands, habitats and dispersion regions of this group. Their architectural and esthetic properties, and height, width, form, leaf, branch, flower and fruit characteristics. Landscape potantial of diverse plant materials and the use and utilization of these plants in landscape compositions.
Course Coordinator
Didem Dizdaroğlu
Course Language