MIM 437E - Analysis & Critics on Contemporary World Architecture
Course Objectives
The aim of the course is:
1) Giving a consciousness and tools to understand, in terms of theoretical
approach, the historical and global conditions that determine our architectural
thinking, starting from ‘Post-Modernism’ period until the nowadays tendency of
‘Globalism’, covering the architectural practice in the last sixty years.
2) Investigate the formal aspects, the aesthetic problems and the structural
meanings of architecture.
3) Making comparisons with media and other fields of arts - like painting, interior
design and cinema.
4) Giving clues for understanding the logic of the design processes in the historical context
as well as the sustainable and ecological approach in the new millennium.
Course Description
Louis I. Kahn and the 'Monumentalization' of Modern Architecture in the late ‘50s;
Robert Venturi and the Post-Modern Architecture in the U.S.A. in the ‘60s, ‘70s
and its evolution in the ‘80s; Aldo Rossi and the Italian “Tendenza” movement;
Globalism and Localism: Architecture in the Age of Globalization, Rem Koolhaas, Frank Gehry, Peter Eisenman and Zaha Hadid; Critical Regionalism: worldwide experiences and Carlo Scarpa as case-study; Hi-tech and Utopia: Reyner Banham, Archigram and the tendencies after the 60s; Renzo Piano and the new millennium architecture in world cities; Green architecture, Sustainability and new directions in contemporary architecture practice.
Course Coordinator
Luca Orlandı
Course Language