TES 121E - Project II
Course Objectives
1. Increasing creative thinking and problem solving ability,
2. Perception, investigation, interpretation and analysis of the relationships among human,
space, object-product, environment in terms of nature, culture and technology.
3. Presentation of systematical, intuitive and experimental design approaches by cases
4. Development of basic concepts and theory.
5. Development and increase of abilities and knowledge related to techniques and
6. Establishing the relationships among form, function and space relationships in planning
and design process
Course Description
Design, planning, analysis, research, conceptualization, interpretation, systematization, composition, construction, manufacturing, experiment; Relationships among human-nature- culture within the scope of environment; Concepts and theories of contemporary art and design; Planning and design within the scope of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, law and sociology; Presentation in design and planning; Experience of urban space within the scope of social and urban related dynamics; spatial experience; user experience within the scope of form and function, Scale, Sustainability, universal design, Participatory design and planning, Identity of product/space, Relationships among materials, building and construction, Ergonomy and antrophometry, Experimental studies related to motion, texture, color, light issues
Course Coordinator
Elif Kısar Koramaz
Course Language