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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Peyzaj Mimarlığında Tarih, Kuram ve Eleştri 1
English Hist.Theo.&Crtc.in Lndsc.Arc.I
Course Code
PEM 126E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ebru Erbaş Gürler
Course Objectives 1. To give a general framework on history of landscape architecture and garden art within the context of “Western and Eastern culture”.
2. To teach landscape architecture and related disciplines and interactions among them throughout history.
3. To give an information about different styles.
Course Description In the framework of “Western and Eastern Culture” garden and landscape design concepts, landscape architecture and architecture relations from Prehistoric period to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Ancient Greek and Roman, Islamic Gardens in different periods, Enlightenment - Renaissance, Baroque, Industrial Revolution, Naturalism, Arts & Crafts ve Art Nouveau periods. Relations between periods, influence and continuity.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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