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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Introduction of the course and definition of GIS
How GIS Works, Components of GIS and GIS Functions
2 Module 1: Data systems, models and database structure
3 Module 2: Data transformation, and boolean processes, and geoprocessing tools
4 Module 1: GIS Applications (Topographic analyses)
5 Module 1: GIS Applications (Distance analyses)
6 Module 1: GIS Applications (Overlay analysis-1)
7 Module 1: GIS Applications (Overlay analysis-2)

Module 2 homework submission
9 Midterm Exam
10 Module 1: Data creation
11 Holiday
12 Module 2: Data input, data storage, data editing
13 Module 1: Projection and coordinate systems
14 Module 2: Data Query and Analysis
Geographic data model and visualization-1
15 Module 2: Data Query and Analysis
Geographic data model and visualization-2

Module 2 homework submission
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