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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimari Tasarım&Yapımda Ahşap
English Wood in Architectural Design and Construction
Course Code
MIM 379 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hülya Kuş
Course Objectives 1. To give comprehensive and detailed information on the use of wood as a building material in architecture.
2. To examine and analyse wooden building applications through the examples from Turkey and the world.
3. To develop knowledge and skills on the design and construction of wooden buildings as a whole and sub-systems.
Course Description Use of wood in architecture: structural system, building elements, finishing and coverings, furniture, use outside the building; Wood as a building material: technical properties, performance tests; Wood technology: tree species, production, industrial procedures; Timber structural systems; Dimensioning constructional wood, connection methods; Literature and legislation on wood; Wooden building applications: examples from Turkey and the world; Wood as a building element: roofs, walls, floors, doors, windows, stairs; Servis systems in wood constructions; Integration of sub-systems in wood building.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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