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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimari Proje VII
English Architectural Design VII
Course Code
MIM 411E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Sinan Mert Şener
Oğuz Orkun Doma
Course Objectives Developing appropriate designerly strategies and adopting/selecting relevant design tools to tackle the complex design situation defined is the primary objective of the course. Achieving advanced design solutions within a dynamic urban setting and representing its related conceptual/physical/spatial attributes as multi-modal outcomes defines the other objectives of the course.
Course Description Investigation of multi-faceted design problems in various scales and details in discussion with the frameworks of participation, pluralism and social awareness; critical analysis and holistic evaluation of urban context, program, sustainability, energy, economy, advanced building systems and technologies together with contemporary debates, architectural theory and criticism; development of complex, multi-functional programs and building solutions; evaluating diverse disaster scenarios (natural or manmade) as inputs into the design process; advanced use of representational media.
Course Outcomes 1. The achievement of advanced design notions
2. Data collection, research and representation in complex urban situations
3. Development of relevant architectural solutions to a situation defined in an inter-disciplinary section through implementation of appropriate design strategies
4. Coordination of advanced architectural design processes
5. Research on advanced technology and material potentials in architectural design
6. Representing the developed design solution/object information as multi-media outcomes.
Pre-requisite(s) MIM 312 Mimari Tasarım IV min. DD or MIM 312E Architectural Design IV min. DD
Required Facilities
Other References o De Lapuerta, J.M. (2007). Collective Housing: A Manual. Barcelona: Actar Publishers.

o McLeod, V. (2007). Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture. London: Laurence King.

o Neufert, E. (2018). Neufert – Yapı Tasarımı. Istanbul: YEM Yayın.

o Sayigh, Ali. (2018). Seaside Building Design: Principles and Practice. Springer.

o Yilmaz, B. (2019). Projeler Yapılar 1: Konutlar. Istanbul: YEM Yayın.

o Yilmaz, B. (2019). Projeler Yapılar 2: Ofisler. Istanbul: YEM Yayın.

o Yilmaz, B. (2019). Projeler Yapılar 4: Kültür Yapıları. Istanbul: YEM Yayın.

o Yilmaz, B. (2019). Projeler Yapılar 6: Peyzaj Tasarımı. Istanbul: YEM Yayın.
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