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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sanat Tarihi
English Art History
Course Code
EUT 222 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 14 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ayşe Hazar Köksal Bingöl
Course Objectives This course is an introduction to art history as a field of cultural production. The aim is to analyze the progress, transformation, production and interaction from the first periods of art historical process in order to understand contemporary art. Additionally the course has the goal to transfer knowledge and experience about contemporary art to the students.
Course Description The course will cover the art productionsfrom the very beginning till today. For this reason art historical concepts will be discussed via art productions from antiquity to post modern period. Emphasis will be placed on the shift of practices of artifact production with skilled crafting in pre-industrial societies towards modern definitions of art and visual culture with their distinctive socio-cultural status in the contemporary world.
Course Outcomes -To gain knowledge on concepts of art history
-To understand the different forms of art production.
-To understand the relationship and interaction between art and culture
-To gain knowledge about main periods of Western art
-To understand Turkish modern art history from a general perspective.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities None
Other None
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