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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Rölöve ve Restorasyon Stüdyosu
English Archtctrl Survey & Restrtn Std
Course Code
MIM 361E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Deniz Mazlum
Course Objectives 1 - To develop technical skills required for conservation projects
2 - To develop basic knowledge for assessment of damages and deterioration of historic buildings based on visual observation
3 - To record the current state of buildings by photographs and technical drawings
Course Description Use of traditional and optical methods for surveying historic structures: research and documentation before any intervention, degrees and methods of intervention. Measuring and producing measured drawings of historic buildings. Damage assessment. Proposal for restitution and restoration.
Course Outcomes 1 - Research skills
2 - National and regional architecture
3 - Team work skills
4 - Conservation of historic sites and restoration
5 - Technical documentation
6 - Legal responsibilities
Pre-requisite(s) MIM 322 minimum DD
or MIM 322E minimum DD
Required Facilities Basic tools for measurement and AUTOCAD
Textbook Watt, D., Swallow, P., Surveying Historic Buildings, Donhead Publishing, Trowbridge 1996.
Other References Ahunbay, Z., Tarihi Çevre Koruma ve Restorasyon, İstanbul, 1996, s.60-88.
Anon, Preserving and Restoring Monuments and Historic Buildings, UNESCO, Paris, 1972.
Burns, J.A.(ed), Recording Historic Structures, Washington, 1989.
Carbonnell,M., Photogrametry Applied to Surveys of Monuments and Historic Centers, ICCROM, Roma, 1989.
Chitham, R., Measured Drawing for Architects, London 1980.
Feiffer, C., II Progetto di Conservazione, Milano, 1989.
Grossmann, G.U., Einführung in die historische Bauforschung, Darmstadt, 1993.
Le Relevé en Architecture ou l’Éternelle Quête du Vrai, Cité de l’architecture & du Patrimoine, Lyon, 2011.
Swallow, P., Watt, D., Ashton, R., Measurement and Recording of Historic Buildings, London, 1993.
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