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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Proje VII
English Project VII
Course Code
SBP 411E Credit Lecture
Semester -
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mehmet Ronael
Course Objectives İstanbul/Kadıköy and İstanbul/Ataşehir districts have been chosen and three sub-areas are defined respectively in Rasimpaşa-Osmanağa and Barbaros neighborhoods as alternative project sites. Project VII aims at developing alternative proposals of an urban scenario, interactions between spatial organizations of buildings and the built environment, urban daily life, land use and transportation problems for an existing urban place which is formed by natural and man-made resources and affected by social, economic, cultural factors according to its characteristics.
Course Description Detailed analysis for the settlements both existing and new developing areas Stating the main problems, potentials, threats, opportunities Reorganization of the special function areas Pedestrian-vehicle organization scheme Design principles and alternative plans Legal and administrative background Technical report
Course Outcomes -Literature review and analytical research in order to understand the transformation of the project site in time process,
-Examination of the urban planning practices which include the planning decisions implemented by the central authorities and local municipalities,
-Developing alternative scenarios and urban design proposals for the selected area.
Pre-requisite(s) SBP 312 MIN DD
veya/or SBP 312E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Vol. 5). Harvard University Press. Ashihara, Y. (1983). The aesthetic townscape. MIT Press.
Benz,G. (1970). Elements of urban form. McGraw-Hill.
Bor,W. (1974). The making of cities. L. Hill.
Breen A. & Rigby D. (1966). The New Waterfront - A Worldwide Urban Success Story. Thames and Hudson.
Carmona, M., Heath, T., Tiesdell, S., & Oc, T. (2010). Public places, urban spaces: the dimensions of urban design. Routledge.
Crossbie, M. J., & Watson, D. (2004). Time-Saver Standards for Architectural Design: Technical Data for Professional Practice. McGraw-Hill Professional.
Cullen, G., (1961). Townscape. The architectural Press.
Cuthbert, A. R. (2003). Designing cities: critical readings in urban design. Blackwell Pub.
De Chiara, J. (1984).Time-Saver Standards for Site Planning. McGraw-Hill.
Dixon J. M. (2004). Urban Spaces, No:1. Urban Land Institute, Visual Reference Publications.
Dixon J. M. (2004). Urban Spaces, No:2. Urban Land Institute, Visual Reference Publications.
Dixon J. M. (2004). Urban Spaces, No:3. Urban Land Institute, Visual Reference Publications.
Donald Watson D., Alan Plattus, A., Shibley, R.G (ed). (2003). Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design. McGraw-Hill.
Gedony, G. S. & Ojima, T. (1996). Geo-Space Urban Design. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Gehl, J. & Gemzoe, L. (2001). New city spaces. Danish Architectural Press.
Giedion., S. (1967). Space, time and architecture: the growth of a new tradition. Harvard University Press.
Giritlioğlu, C. (1998). Şehirsel Mekan Ögeleri ve Tasarımı. İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Baskı Atölyesi.
Gredd, C. & Roberts, M. (1998). Introducing Urban Design: Interventions and Responses. Longman.
Harris, C.W. & Dines N. T. (coed.). (1988). Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture: Design and Construction Data. McGraw-Hill.
Hutchison, R. (2000). Constructions of urban space. JAI Press,
Jacobs, A.B. (1993). Great Streets. MIT Press.
Kaiser, E. J. & Godschalk, D. R. (1995). Twentieth century land use planning: A stalwart family tree. Journal of the American Planning Association, 61(3), 365-385.
Kostof, S. (1991). The City Shaped. Thames And Huston Ltd.
Lynch, K. (1960). The image of the city. M.I.T. Press.
Lozano, E.E. (1990). Community design and the culture of cities: the crossroad and the wall. Cambridge University Press.
McCluskey, J. (1992). Road form and townscape. Butterworth-Architecture.
Miles, M. & Kirkham, N. (Eds.). (2003). Cultures and settlements (Vol. 3). Intellect Books.
Moudon, A. V. (1991). Public Streets for Public Use. Columbia University Press.
Mougtin, C. (1992). Urban Design, Street and Square. Woodtherworth Architectural Press.
Mostaedi, A. (2003). Urban Spaces. Instituto Monsa De Edicious.
Oswald, F. & Baccini, P. (2003). Netzstadt : Designing The Urban. Birkhauser.
Parfect, M. (1997). Planning for urban quality: urban design in towns and cities. Routledge.
Roberts, M. & Greed, C. (2001). Approaching urban design: The Design Process. Longman.
Rossi, A. (1982). The architecture of the city. MIT Press.
Spreiregen, P.D. (1965). Urban design: the architecture of towns and cities. McGraw-Hill.
Thomas, D. (2002). Architecture and the urban environment: a vision for the new age. Architectural Press.
Tsuru K. (2003). Elements and Total Concept of Urban Street Furniture. Graphic-Sha Publishing Co. Ltd.
UNESCO. (1996). Cities of The Future: Managing Social Transformations.
Zuckin, S. (1995). The Culture of Cities. Blacwell Publishers.
Zaknic, I. (1987). Journey to the East Le Corbusier. M.I.T. Press.
Other References
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