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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yaşanabilir Çevreler Oluşturma
English Generating Livable Environment
Course Code
MIM 440E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cemile Tiftik
Course Objectives Benefit from works of Environmental Psychology and Ecology for definition of criteria built up environment which human being live in it related to the field of Architecture . This perspective, discussion of theoretical approaches and opinions on human-culture and environment relations with quality of Architecture.
Course Description A discussion of theoretical approaches and opinions on human-culture and environment relations. Discussion of theories and researches on Environmental Psychology related to the field of Architecture. Developments on generating livable environments and their effects on principles of Architectural/Environmental Design. Impacts of buildings and cities on the environment. Environmental problems and environmental stress. Principles of creating defensible space.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Human Behavior
2. Human Diversity
3. Critical Thinking Skills
4. Research Skills
5. Use of Precedents
6. Life Safety
7.Ethics and Professional Judgment
Required Facilities
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