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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Proje 3
English Architectural Design III
Course Code
MIM 211E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Deniz Çiler Erkan
Course Objectives Gaining the skills of collaborative work in multi-disciplinary teams together with other shareholders in planning and design process and understanding the effects of other disciplines on own planning and design studies
Gaining planning and design experience from large to small scale in holistic and sustainable interdisciplinary areas;
Developing and increasing conceptual and critical skills of students in holistic and sustainable areas related to basic concepts and issues through theoretical analysis;
Developing a solution for planning and design problem logically and intuitively;
Understanding the data related to nature and culture, understanding the relationships of urban-building-space, human-space, building brief, converting and transforming the urban obejcts and experience into space organization and design
Increasing design skills of students by considering the relationships among settlement, transportation, social/technical infrastructure, urban space, environment, building, interior space, urban object/product.
Course Description Holistic and sustainable planning and design process; theoretical research and analysis basic issues and concepts in design process; Data analysis of natural, physical, socio-cultural and economical structures; Relationships among planning, design and user; Relationships of function-texture-form-structure-materials-structural system-technolgy;Relationships of identity-meaning-concept-form; Strategies-Techniques-Process-Methods of Planning and Design
Course Outcomes Students who satisfactorily success this course can;

Solve given interdisciplinary planning and design problems by individual and and group studies
Perform theoretical analyze and research related to basic concepts and issues of planning and design.
Develop critical thinking through reasoning and intuitive evaluation for solution.
Develop wholistic planning and design approach from large to small scale by using natural and cultural data.
Realize planning and design by synthesizing brief and scenarios needed for plan and design.
Use know-how related to product and process technology in planning and design process.
Pre-requisite(s) TES 121 E
Required Facilities
Textbook Ching, Francis, Architecture: Form, Space and Order, Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Other References LaGro, James A. (2013). Site Analysis: Informing the Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (3rd Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Son.
Bayazıt,N., 1994, Concepts in Design, Basılmamış Ders Notları. (Other References)
Frederick, Matthew, 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, the MIT Press, 2007.
Russ, T. H. and S. M. Russ (2002). Site planning and design handbook, McGraw-Hill Boston.
Basala,G., 1988, The Evolution of Technology, Cambridge University Press.
Christopher, A., 1964, Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Gideon, S., 1941, Mechanization Takes Command, Oxford University Press.
Beer, A. R. and C. Higgins (2000). Environmental Planning for Site Development: A manual for sustainable local planning and design, Routledge.
Julier, G., 1993, Encyclopedia of 20th Century Design and designers,
Thames and Hudson. Pile, J. F., 1979, Design: Purpose, Form and Meaning, Massachusetts Press.
Tunalı,İ., 1989, Estetik, Remzi Kitabevi
Lawson, Bryan, How designers think: the design process demystified, Elsevier, Amsterdam; Architectural Press, Oxford, 2006.
Garcia, Mark, The Diagrams of Architecture, AD Reader, John Wiley & sons., 2010.
Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Existence, Space and Architecture, Studio Vista London, 1972.LaGro, James A. (2013). Site Analysis: Informing the Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (3rd Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Son.
Russ, T. H. and S. M. Russ (2002). Site planning and design handbook, McGraw-Hill Boston.
Beer, A. R. and C. Higgins (2000). Environmental Planning for Site Development: A manual for sustainable local planning and design, Routledge.
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