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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Model Yapım 1
English Model Making I
Course Code
EUT 239E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mehmet Erkök
Course Objectives 1. Sketch modeling as a designing tool. Just like in rapid concept sketching the effective use of quick sketch modeling leading to learn to create multiple alternative unique forms in short times.
2. The basic rules to build up clean and evaluative models.
Course Description Description of hand tools and it's functions. Scale in models. Modelling paste, foam and plaster forming methods. Cutting and glueing techniques of cartoon, cardboard and plastic sheet. Sandwich creating with the same materials. Creating geometric objects. Scale modelling and painting one of famous designs. Modelling with acrylic: Cutting, folding and glueing.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to;
1. Learn to work clean and tidy in a workshop facility as a habit.
2. Learn to use basic hand tools.
3. Create complex forms with using more than one plain forms together; will be able to create complex and thus original forms.
4. Understand of creating good models via processing the materials cleanly.
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