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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Proje 3
English Project III
Course Code
TES 211E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Deniz Çiler Erkan
Course Objectives The main objective of the course is enabling the students to perceive, investigate, interpret, and analyse human - space - object (product) - environment relationships in the context of Nature and Culture, to gain creative problem solving skills and to gain the expertise in using the fundamental terminology of the profession. Students can develop design alternatives in relation with the natural, cultural and conceptual context and by taking into consideration the structural, material, construction parameters related to the scale of design through this course.
Course Description The Project III course provides the student with the ability to read, write, speak and listen effectively, ability to gather, assess, record, apply and comparatively evaluate relevant information within the coursework and design processes. Critical thinking - conceptualizing - interpreting - problem definition and problem solving are the main stages of the studio.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Brower, Sidney. Neighbors and neighborhoods: Elements of successful community design. American Planning Association, 2013.
2. Levitt, D. 2010. Housing Design Handbook, A Guide to Good Practice, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge (e-book).
3. Broto, C. 2005. Compact Houses, Barcelona, Spain: Links International Publishing Group (NA7126 .B76 2005).
4. Chan. Y. 2011. Small Environments, Beverly, Ma.: Rockport Publishers (e-book).
5. Zeiger, M. 2009. Tiny Houses, New York: Rizzoli (NA7126 .Z45 2009).
6. Herzog, T. 2004. Facade Construction Manual, Basel: Birkhauser-Publishers for Architecture (M TH2235 .H47 2004).
7. Student Accomodation Guideline, City of Whitehorse (e- source).
8. Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2015, Department of the Environment,
9. Neufert, E. (2000). Achitects’ Data, Malden, MA: Blackwell Science Publishers (M TH151 .N48 2000).
10. Design Guide for Student Housing, UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and Oceania (e-source).
11. Riggs, J.R., (2003). Materials and Components of Interior Architecture, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
12. Ching, F, D.,K., (2002). Mimarlık: Bic¸im, Mekan ve Du¨zen, YEM Yayınları, I·stanbul.
13. Ewing, B., Moore, D., Goldfinger, S., Oursler, A., Reed, A., & Wackernagel, M. (2010). Ecological Footprint Atlas 2010. California : GlobalFootprintNetwork.
14. Kristinsson, J. (2012). Integrated Sustainable Design. Delft/Deventer: Delftdigitalpress.
15. Url 1: https://www.footprintcalculator.org/
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