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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Peyzaj Tasarımı III
English Landscape Design III
Course Code
PEM 312E Credit Lecture
Semester -
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Meltem Erdem Kaya
Course Objectives 1. To gain insight to the design issues and possible design problems of large scale urban recreational areas.
2. To gain design ability by design of the urban open spaces include multiple user with all components
3. To gain ability of developing design decisions of urban parks, waterfronts, forested areas, rural areas and reuse of abandoned fields.
Course Description Solution of problems concerning the design of large – sized urban areas with recreational purpose, bound to decisions of planning, especially according to the designing of urban recreation areas, as well as an approach to design work by the designer regarding equipment and its supply.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Gain design ability of large scale urban open spaces with all components according to planning decisions
2. Define, analyze and synthesis the design problems of site in urban scale
3. Organize the spatial relations with different themes in a varying themes and scales such as urban parks, waterfronts, forested areas, rural areas and abandoned areas.
4. Developed hardscape and softscape detail plans
5.Gain ability to develop conceptual framework for the project
Pre-requisite(s) PEM311E veya PEM311, min DC
Required Facilities
Textbook GOOG, A., Park and Recreation Structures, Princeton Press, 1999
Other References LANDECKER, H., SCHWARTZ. M., Transfiguration of the Commonplace, Washington, Spacemaker Press. 1997.
GARVIN, A., Urban Parks and Open Space, Urban Landscape Institute, 1997
LEVY, L., WALKER P., Minimalist Gardens, Washington, Spacemaker Pres., 1997.
MARCUS, C., People Places, Dedign Guidelines for Urban Open Space, John Wiley & Sons, 1997
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