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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Peyzaj Tasarımı IV
English Landscape Design IV
Course Code
PEM 411E Credit Lecture
Semester -
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Meltem Erdem Kaya
Course Objectives 1. To make students conceive the general informations and approaches about the landscape restoration issues.
2. To teach the new techniques and technologies to solve the problems of degraded areas and to introduce the developing eco-system.models.
3. To give an ability for imroving the design solutions, planning decisions and landscape projects on landscape restoration.
Course Description Developing landscape and urban design process in the force of new planning decisions about improvement of urban and natural areas with problems. Using new techniques and technologies to solve those problems, and developing methods to protect the eco-system. Destroyed forest areas, abandoned quarries, coastal landfills, design of urban open spaces related to transportation system, a new evaluation of existing urban pattern, design in the historical urban patterns.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Know the practical process about the land reclamation and landscape restoration
II. Be curious about landscape restoration techniques and new approaches, follow-up the current improvements on the topic.
III. Developing planning decisions and design solutions for a degraded landscape.
IV. Will have an ability to draw a landscape design project to explain design and planning decisions with every technical details.
Pre-requisite(s) PEM312E veya PEM312 min DC
Required Facilities
Textbook Landscape design: A Cultural and Architectural History, ROGERS, E. B., Harry N. Abrams, 2001
Environmental Design for Reclaiming Surface Mines, BURLEY, B., Edwin Mellen Press, 2001
Landscape and Sustainability, BENSON, J., Spon Press, 2000
Living in the Landscape: Toward an aesthetics of Environment, ARNOLD, B., University Press of Kansas, 1998
The living landscape : an ecological approach to landscape planning, Steiner, Frederick R
New York : McGraw-Hill, c1999
Ecological design and planning / George F. Thompson and Frederick R. Steiner, editors New York : John Wiley, 1997
Other References Landscape design: A Cultural and Architectural History, ROGERS, E. B., Harry N. Abrams, 2001
Environmental Design for Reclaiming Surface Mines, BURLEY, B., Edwin Mellen Press, 2001
Landscape and Sustainability, BENSON, J., Spon Press, 2000
Living in the Landscape: Toward an aesthetics of Environment, ARNOLD, B., University Press of Kansas, 1998
The living landscape : an ecological approach to landscape planning, Steiner, Frederick R
New York : McGraw-Hill, c1999
Ecological design and planning / George F. Thompson and Frederick R. Steiner, editors New York : John Wiley, 1997
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