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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimari Proje IV
English Architectural Design 4
Course Code
MIM 212 Credit Lecture
Semester -
5 2 6 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Gülçin Pulat Gökmen
Course Objectives 1. Ability to approach a design problem in a multidimensional manner, developing skills to personalize a design problem 2. Discussing the integration between the systems (social, cultural, structural etc.) in a design process 3. Doing research on the development of design decisions in relation with context, program, spatial-formal-tectonic constructs 4. Emphasizing the studio culture as an experimenting-doing-learning environment and stimulating students to enter contemporary architectural debates with critical, innovative and creative productions 5. Cultivating the use of peculiar representation tools in the production, development and sharing of architectural thoughts.
Course Description Development of critical, experimental, sustainable design thinking; approaching contemporary architectural and urban design problems; development and interpretation of program for non-complex buildings or building groups; enriching architectural thinking by integrating programmatic, contextual, formal and tectonic qualities; addressing structural, material and technological issues within the design process; designerly investigation on the use of representation tools.
Course Outcomes 1. Tasarım becerisi 2. Eleştirel düşünme becerisi 3. Aras¸tırma becerisi 4. Tas¸ıyıcı sistemler 5. Çevresel sistemler 6. Bina kabugˆu sistemleri 7. Arsa/çevre kos¸ulları 8. Eris¸ebilirlik?9. Bina sistemlerinin entegrasyonu 10.Örneklerden yararlanma?11. Sürdürülebilir tasarım?12. Sunum ve grafik becerisi 13. Tartışma becerisi

1. Design skills
2. Critical thinking skills
3. Research skills
4. Structural system
5. Environmental systems
6. Building envelope systems
7. Site/Place conditions
8. Accessibility
9. Integration of building systems
10. Use of precedents
11. Sustainable design
12. Presentation and graphic skills
13. Discussion skills
Required Facilities
Textbook Lawson, Bryan, How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified, Elsevier, Amsterdam; Architectural Press, Oxford, 2006.
Other References
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