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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sürdürülebilir Ürün Tasarımı
English Sustainable Product Design
Course Code
ENT 429E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Elif Küçüksayraç
Course Objectives 1. To teach the sustainability concept and its economic, environmental and social aspects.
2. To teach the sustainable design approaches, materials, production techniques and energy technologies.
To give the ability to design sustainable products and product service systems.
Course Description Sustainability Concept, Sustainable Design and its Approaches, Eco-design Strategies, Eco-friendly Materials and Production Techniques, Sustainable Energy Technologies, Life Cycle Assessment, Circular Product Design, Design for Sustainable Behavior and Lifestyles, Design for the Other 90% Approach, Cradle to Cradle Approach, Sustainable Product Service System Design.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Learn the sustainable design approaches.
2. Learn the about sustainable materials, production techniques and energy technologies.
3. Choose the right sustainable design approach and integrate it into the design process.
4. Design sustainable products and product service systems.
Required Facilities
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