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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kentsel çevrede evrensel tasarım
English Univ.Dsgn.for Urban Environm.
Course Code
SBP 4017E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hatice Ayataç
Course Objectives 1.To understand and teach Universal Design concept,
2.To evaluate and discuss Universal Design principles in urban environment,
3.To give a knowledge and skills for the UD,
4.To provide a media for discussing Universal Design experiences into international and national perspectives, to encourage urban planning students for developing proposals.
Course Description Definition of Universal Design as an new paradigm; A Brief History of Universal Design, Universal Design Principles and Universal Design Guides, Disadvantages Groups, Universal design in urban environment, Universal Design Practices, Differences according to different countries, National Policies for Universal Design; Universal Design Education, Future of Universal Design.
Course Outcomes Undergraduate students who successfully pass this course gain the following knowledge, skills and proficiencies
1. To learn the definition and principles of Universal Design,
2. To understand the relation in between Universal Design and Urban Environment
3. To analyze the different approaches in various countries and to assist the development of national policies,
Pre-requisite(s) Homework is Compulsory. Students will analyze and evaluate an example selecting for their interest .
Required Facilities
Other References Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments, Edward Steinfeld, Jordana Maisel, Danise Levine, John Wiley and Sons, 2012

Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age; Universal Design for Learning, David,H.Rose &A. Meyer, ASCD, 2002

UNIVERSAL DESIGN 17 Ways of Thinking and Teaching, Edited by Jon Christophersen, © Husbanken 2002.

The Universal Design File, Designing for People of All Ages and Abilities, M, Story, R,Mace, J, Mueller, NC State University, The Center of Universal Design, 1998 Revised Edition.
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