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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Proje III- Yöre Planı ve Tasarım
English Project III: Site Plan.&Design
Course Code
SBP 207E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
7 8 2 6
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Funda Yirmibeşoğlu
Course Objectives This 14-week studio is organized to enhance planning students' ability to examine
natural, built and socio-economic environments and reflect their site-related
knowledge to the urban structure they design from a holistic and sustainable
perspective. Minilectures and drawing exercises throughout three modules will
guide the students on data collection, analysis and synthesis, developing concept
alternatives, and generating a site plan and a neighborhood unit.
Course Description Project III is designed to plan a site with a neighborhood unit while promoting
sustainability under the main studio theme, housing. Within this scope, the
contents of the studio are as follows:
• Analysis of natural environment, built environment, and socio-economic
structure in the context of site planning;
• Assessment of natural environment, built environment, and socio-economic
structure in the context of site planning;
• Decision-making techniques in site planning;
• Generating concept alternatives for a site plan;
• Developing a select concept alternative into a site plan;
• Generating a neighborhood design that corresponds to the site plan; and
• Written, oral, and graphic expression techniques
Course Outcomes 1:5000 AND/OR 1:2000 SCALE ANALYSES (GROUP WORK)
1. Analyses of the natural environment
2. Topographic unit analysis
3. Analyses of the urban pattern, density and transportation in a built environment
4. Assessment of existing land use plan and prospects for future
5. Assessment of interviews with Muhtar and real estate agencies
6. Household (future user) analysis (focused on social, economic, cultural
7. Research of housing typologies
1. 1:5000 and/or 1:2000 scale synthesis
2. 1:5000 and/or 1:2000 scale site plan
3. 1:1000 and/or 1:500 scale neighborhood design alternatives
4. 1:1000 scale model of the project
5. Project research folder, project report, A3-size portfolio, CD/DVD with
A3-size maps in PDF format and all submissions in original file format
Required Facilities
Other References 1. Beer, A.R. & Higgins C. (2000). Environmental Planning for Site Development: A
manual for sustainable local planning & design, Routledge.
2. Beer, A. (1990). Environmental Planning for Site Development, E&F.N.SPON
3. Brooks, R. G. (1988). Site planning: Environment, process, and development,
4. Carles, B. (2008). Urban apartment blocks. Barcelona.
5. De Chiara, J. and L. Koppelman (1984). Time-saver standards for site planning,
6. De Chiara, J., Panero, J., and Zelnik, M. (1995). Time-saver standards for site
planning, McGraw-Hill.
7. Essex. County Council, A. (1975). A design guide for residential areas, Essex County
8. Flannery, J. A., & Smith, K. M. (2011). Eco-urban design. Springer Science &
Business Media.
9. Jarvis, F. D. (1993). Site planning and community design for great neighborhoods,
Home Builder Press.
10. LaGro, J. A. (2008). Site analysis: A contextual approach to sustainable land planning
and site design, John Wiley & Sons.
11. LaGro, J. A. (2013). Site Analysis: Informing the Sustainable Design of the Built
Environment. Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Son.
12. Lynch, K. and G. Hack (1984). Site planning, The MIT Press.
13. Marsh, W. M. (1991). Landscape planning, John Wiley & Sons.
14. Paredes, C., Ed. (2008). The architecture of private residential complexes. Barcelona,
15. Peters, P., J. M. Kolin, et al. (1977). Hauser in Reihen: Mehrfamilienhâuser;
Kettenhâuser; Hâusegruppen, GDW Callwey.
16. Pfeifer, G. and P. Brauneck (2008). Courtyard houses: a housing typology, Birkhauser
17. Pfeifer, G.; P. Brauneck (2008). Row houses: a housing typology, Birkhauser.
18. Pfeifer, G.; P. Brauneck (2010). Freestanding houses: a housing typology, Birkhauser
19. Russ, T. H. and S. M. Russ (2002). Site planning and design handbook, McGraw-Hill
20. Schittich, C. (2004). High-density housing: concepts, planning, construction,
21. Simmonds, J. O. (1997). Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Site Planning and
Design, McGraw Hill, New York, USA.
22. Untermann, R., R. Small, et al. (1977). Site planning for cluster housing, Van Nostrand
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