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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tasarım Çizimi ve Diğer Hikayeler
English Design Drawing and Other Stories
Course Code
MIM 4061E Credit Lecture
Semester 468
2 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hakan Tüzün Şengün
Course Objectives In this course main goal is to set up a hard practicing studio on a weekly bases within
the given program constructed on six main themes which are object, derive, detail,
milieu, hybrid and narrative. On themes object, derive, detail and milieu. Course is
focused mostly on practicing freehand drawing and students will be working hands-
on in the studio or on a field trip if possible. On themes like hybrid and narrative,
course will be using both digital and analog media tools for constructing a final
narrative project. Active participation and attendance is highly important for the
course. Students will submit a portfolio and a final project with a given format at the
end of the semester.
Course Description The course aims to discuss architecture as an interdisciplinary tool, to discuss some
issues that are at the intersections of disciplines such as 'Architecture and
Literature', 'Architecture and Photography' 'Architecture and History', 'Architecture
and Archeology', 'Architecture and Theater', 'Architecture and Cinema', 'Architecture
and Sound', 'Architecture and Performance Art' ... etc. During the semester, readings
will be given on the predetermined themes; guest speakers, lecturers - architects and
academicians- studying, practicing and thinking on these themes will join the class;
discussion sessions will be held after each lecture, and short assignments on the
themes will be requested each week. Students will be expected to expand a chosen
theme into a term research paper.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Other References
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