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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kent Mobilyaları ve Mekan
English Urban Furniture and Space
Course Code
PEM 4022E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gülşen Aytaç
Course Objectives 1. To define the functional, psychological and technical dimensions of urban furniture in urban space.
2. To define the types of urban furniture and gain insight to the relations with urban space
3. To develop the decision of the selection of most appropriate urban furniture according to visual and functional relations with urban space.
Course Description Historical development of urban furniture; design measures of urban furniture; classification of urban furniture; urban furniture and vandalism; evaluation of visual and functional relation of urban furnitures with space; develope choosing suitable urban furnitures for the space; urban furnitures used in different countries.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Define the concepts of urban space and urban furniture
2. Evaluate urban furniture according to functional, psychological and technological dimensions, in urban space.
3. Define the types of urban furniture and evaluate the visual, functional and spatial relations with urban space
4. Evaluate the functional and aesthetic criteria concerning urban furniture with infrastructure and urban furniture without infrastructure
5. To define the problems concerning urban furniture and the concept of vandalism
Required Facilities
Textbook Urban Furniture Selection, author, Jacobo Krauel, Barcelona, Spain , 2010
New urban elements ,author, Jacobo Krauel ; text contributed by the companies, edited and translated by William George, Barcelona, Spain : Links, 2007
Other References Site Furnishings: A Complete Guide to the Planning, Selection and Use of Landscape Furniture and Amenities, Author: Bill Main, Gail Greet Hannah, Publisher: Wiley, 2009.
Materials and Their Applications in Landscape Design (Material in Landscape Architecture and Site Design),author: Rob W. Sovinski, Publisher: Wiley, 2009.
Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture, author: Virginia McLeod, Laurence King Publishers, 2008.
Urban Street Furniture Design, Editors: Graphic-Sha, Publisher: Materials and Their Applications in Landscape Design (Material in Landscape Architecture and Site Design), 2002.
Elementos Urbanos: Urban Elements: Mobiliario Y Microarquitectura = Furniture and Microarchitecture, author: Josep Ma Serra, 1996
Elements and total concept of urban street furniture design, Tokyo : Graphic-sha Publishing Co. Ltd., Publisher: Editorial Gustavo Gili,1992
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