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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İç Mimarlıkta Tarih & Kuram II
English History and Theory in Interior Architecture II
Course Code
ICM 204 Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Deniz Çalışır Pençe
Course Objectives 1. Examining the sense of space of different civilizations in the social, cultural, economic and ideological context,
2. Examining the selected samples from whole to detail by relating them with their interior components
3. Assesing and analyzing samples of space belonging different civilizations
4. To question the examined samples in the context of conceptual background and theories
Course Description Dealing with different approaches of world civilizations to “space” through examples (from 14th century to the 20th century); terminology and theory, encounters; traditions in the history of interior design, continuity and discontinuity.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain the following knowledge, skills and the competencies;
I. the role of geographical, historical, socio-cultural, ideological, political, economic and religious variables which form the space
II. the ability to assess the selected samples of ?space? samples from different civilizations through out the history, in the context of interior architectural components
III. capasity of questioning the intellectual background which shape the architectural-interior architectural environment and theories
IV. the ability to make research on related topics
Pre-requisite(s) ICM 104 MIN DD
or ICM 126 MIN DD
or ICM 126E MIN DD
Required Facilities Homework & Projects: Response papers and/or visual analysis/ presentations on the selectes theoretical texts and research papers
Other Field trips and excursions (The destinations and dates of these trips and excursions will be determined at the begining of every semester)
Other References
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