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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sosyal Psikoloji
English Social Psychology
Course Code
MIM 4046E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cemile Tiftik
Course Objectives 1. to introduct basic contents of Social Psychology
2. to provide how human being behave in social environment.
3. to provide social influence and adaptation behaviors.
4. to provide individual and relationships between individuals.
5. to introduct culture-environment relationships and provide meaning of globalization.
Course Description Describing social behavior and social psychology, individual processes and research methods will be examined. Social perception, components of attitudes, motivation and motivation theories will be investigated. The concepts, definitions and variables of the group will be discussed by theories on language and communication, social impact and conformity, group and group processes. The effects of the group on human behavior, culture and globalization issues and its relationship with environmental psychology will be introduced.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I (A1) Communication Skills: Ability to read, write, speak and listen effectively.
II (A5) Investigative Skills: Ability to gather, assess, record, apply, and comparatively evaluate relevant information within architectural coursework and design processes.
III (A10) Cultural Diversity: Understanding of the diverse needs, values, behavioural norms, physical abilities, and social and spatial patterns that characterize different cultures and individuals and the implication of this diversity on the societal roles and responsibilities of architects.
IV (C2) Human Behaviour: Understanding of the relationship between human behaviour, the natural environment and the design of the built environment.
V (C9) Community and Social Responsibility: Understanding of the architect’s responsibility to work in the public interest, to respect historic resources, and to improve the quality of life for local and global neighbours.
Required Facilities
Textbook Freedman, J.L., Sears, D.O., Carlsmith, J.M., Social Psychology Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988
Other References
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