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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimarlık ve Etkileri
English Architecture and Its Effects
Course Code
MIM 4013E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Sevgi Türkkan Sroka
Course Objectives This course deals with architecture in relation, by questioning the assigned roles and relationships of: the architect figure, disciplinary codes and conventions, mediums, uses, environmental, contextual and cultural dependencies, contingencies and divergences, as well as the reciprocal relationships architecture instigates with life.
Course Description Architecture, whether in the form of ideas, built or unbuilt work, representation, text, discourse or process, can be considered as a stimulator of spatial, social, economic, ideological or aesthetic, etc. influences. This course aims to reconsider architecture, not as an isolated discipline, but as a praxis that dwells inside and triggers a larger dynamic, complex and contingent field of relationships. Through lectures, seminars, on-site investigations and designerly research using various modes of documentation, the semester will focus on exploring, understanding, reviewing and representing contemporary architectural production and discourse -including current examples in Istanbul- in relation to their experiential, socio-cultural, material, environmental etc. effects.
Course Outcomes By the end of this course, students will gain:
Ability to reconsider architectural knowledge and production in tandem with the spatial, socio-cultural, environmental etc. influences that it triggers.
Acquisition of fundamental knowledge on theories, discussions, paradigms between architecture and other relational fields.
Studying and understanding the experiential and use-related outcomes, as well as socio-cultural, natural, material, urban etc. relationships as a continuum of architectural design process.
Using representational tools and mediums to read, document and discuss these relationship over architectural examples.
Developing the skills to use, library study, in-situ investigation, post-occupancy evaluation, observations, interviews, mapping, of visual, auditory, tactile documentation and representation techniques as means to produce knowledge on the effects of architecture. Developing architectural criticism, and complimentary textual and visual material for it.
Required Facilities
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