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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Planlamada Çoğulcu Yaklaşımlar
English Pluralist Planning Approaches
Course Code
SBP 4030E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator İmge Akçakaya Waıte Jr
Course Objectives 1. To explain the global development of pluralist and inclusive planning;
2. To analyze pluralist paradigms in the planning discipline;
3. To identify stakeholders that influence and are influenced by planning decisions;
4. To identify vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society and the tools and approaches required to empower them;
5. To examine the main methods and processes of inclusive and participatory planning;
6. To adopt pluralist approaches of collaborative governance and good governance in the management of planning
Course Description In this course, the discourse of pluralism in planning will be examined at the policy level in both theoretical and practical contexts. Pluralist approaches in planning play a role in such diverse concepts as the public interest, communicative rationality, community inclusion, systems of power and values, vulnerability, and the politics of difference. These concepts have given rise to an array of planning paradigms that include communicative, inclusive, participatory, advocacy, collaborative, and deliberative planning, as well their attendant policy implications. The role of the planner in these planning and policy-making processes is also an important issue. The theory-driven first part of the course will be complemented by the practice-related knowledge about vulnerability and vulnerable groups in the community, stakeholders who influence and are influenced by the planning process, the levels and methods of stakeholder involvement, and advanced methods such as action research, stakeholder interactions and mediation of possible conflicts, and capacity building and organizing activities with a focus on pluralism. The course will later examine collaborative governance and good governance as concepts that support pluralist planning practices. It will end with a discussion of the future of pluralism and the planner’s role in the developed and developing world and in Turkey.
Course Outcomes 1. Knowledge and ability to approach planning in multi-discipline, multi-stakeholder, and inclusive settings;
2. Knowledge of theory and paradigms concerning pluralist planning;
3. Ability to apply critical thinking skills to pluralism, inclusion, and participation in planning;
4. Knowledge of the ethical components of pluralist planning and their practical implications;
5. Knowledge and skills concerning the concepts of public interest, governance, representation, empowerment, and conflict resolution;
6. Knowledge of how pluralist and inclusive planning is realized in the world
Pre-requisite(s) N/A
Required Facilities Computer
Other N/A
Textbook Burayidi, M. A. (Ed.). (2015). Cities and the politics of difference: Multiculturalism and diversity in urban planning. University of Toronto Press.
Davies, J. S., & Imbroscio, D. L. (Eds.). (2009). Theories of urban politics (2nd Edition). Sage.
Other References Davidoff, P. (1965). Advocacy and pluralism in planning. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 31(4), 331-338.
Gabauer, A. (2018). An emancipatory understanding of planning in a pluralist society. In S. Knierbein & T. Viderman (Eds.) Public space unbound: Urban emancipation and the post-political condition, pp. 129-139. Routledge.
Healey, P. (1992). Planning through debate: The communicative turn in planning theory. The Town Planning Review, 63(2), 143-162.
Moroni, S., & Weberman, D. (Eds.). (2016). Space and pluralism: Can contemporary cities be places of tolerance?. Central European University Press.
Neuman, M. (2000). Communicate this! Does consensus lead to advocacy and pluralism?. Journal of planning education and research, 19(4), 343-350.
Stann, E. J. (1977). Planning a pluralist city: Conflicting realities in Ciudad Guayana. Hispanic American Historical Review, 57(4), 774-775.
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