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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İç Mimarlıkta Sürdürülebilirlik
English Sustainability in Inter.Arch.
Course Code
ICM 4039E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Seniye Banu Garip
Course Objectives 1. Informing about sustainability, environment and ecology issues
2. Developing personal sensitivity and counsciousness on sustainability by means of main theoretical and applicational knowledge and examples
3. Informing about the effects of the building/construction on environment, human performance and well-being and physiological properties needed in the framework of interior space quality
4. Informing about sustainable design certification programs and evaluation instruments
5. Developing the ability of interpreting the concept of sustainability, transferring the interpretation to interior design and expressing
Course Description Concepts of sustainability and ecology; a timeline of human-environmental interactions; green buildings, ecological architecture; effects of the building/construction on environment, human performance and well-being: site, energy, water, materials, waste, community, life quality; physiological properties needed in the framework of interior space quality: climatic-visual comfort, ergonomics, sensory perception; recycle and reuse; sustainable design and assessment; design certification programs and evaluation instruments.
Course Outcomes
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