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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tipografi
English Typography
Course Code
ENT 343E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Christopher Çolak
Ekrem Cem Alppay
Course Objectives 1. The history of typography
2. Press technologies and typography
3. Typography and communication
4. Brand, logotype and product design
Course Description The history of typography, Basic font designs, Press technologies and typography,
Typography and communication, Daily life and typography, Ethnography on daily life and typography, Design sketc on ethnographic research on daily life and typography, The relation between product and graphic design, Brand, logotype and product design, Logotype and brand relation, Logotype and brand relation case studies, Research on product logo design, Product logo design, Corporate Identity
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Gain a general insight on the history of typography
2. Learn the technologies of press and typography
3. Study on the relationship between typography and communication
4. Research and practice on product and graphic design
5. Research and practice on the dynamics among brand, logotype and product design
Required Facilities
Textbook Lupton, E., and Miller,J. A., 1996, Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design, Princeton Architectural Press.
Other References Carter, R., Day, B. and Meggs, P., 1985, Typographic Design: Form and Communication, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Lawson, A. S., Agner, D., 1990, Printing Types: An Introduction, Printing Types: An Introduction.
John Lewis, 2007, Typography: Design and Practice, Jeremy Mills Publishing.
Roger Fawcett-Tang, David Jury, 2007, New Typographic Design, Laurence King Publishing.
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