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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Proje IV: Strat.Plan.&Pol.Gel.
English Project IV: Spatial Strategic Planing & Policy Making
Course Code
SBP 218E Credit Lecture
Semester -
5 2 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Rumeysa Ceylan Çalışkan
Rumeysa Ceylan Çalışkan
Course Objectives In respect of the approach of strategic spatial planning, it is aimed at the following steps;

• The identification of the spatial dynamics of a given settlement concerning settlement systems and spatial staging, transportation networks and relationships, space usage, and social, economic and environmental features,
• The determination of the cross-sectoral connections and their spatial impacts and the specification of the problems and technics that clarify the social, environmental and economic structure,
• The utilization of strategic decision-making methods in discussing the visions considering the legal framework and social and institutional structures.

In consideration of the Environmental Plan and Regional Development Plan, Project IV aims to accommodate discussions on urban and regional development scenarios, macroform and related development strategies for Gemlik settlement through various analyses and evaluation techniques.

This Project has been designed to provide information and skills for students on Geographic Information System (GIS) based analysis, synthesis and evaluation methods and techniques which can be used in future projects in their undergraduate education and professional life. The Project also considers planning principles such as sustaining the environmental, social and cultural resources for future generations and balancing preservation and development.
Course Description Based on the purposes explained above, the Project includes;

• To evaluate Gemlik with its administrative territory and rural hinterland concerning settlements’ systems and hierarchy in Bursa,
• To discuss the potentials and problems, founded by the remarks from analyses of natural, built-up and socio-economic environments, commonly used in urban and regional planning,
• To produce the urban and regional development alternatives and scenarios by the utilization of analytic evaluation and decision-making techniques, used in contemporary planning approaches,
• To use oral, written and graphical expression techniques and mapping, evaluation and interpretation techniques in GIS.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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