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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Şehirsel Tasarım
English Urban Design
Course Code
SBP 323 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hatice Ayataç
Course Objectives To introduce the urban pattern by considering the both social (cultural, social, economic,
administrative, human behaviors, etc.) and physical guides and to describe the design
Course Description To introduce the urban pattern by considering the both social (cultural, social, economic,
administrative, human behaviors, etc.) and physical guides and to describe the design
Course Outcomes 1. To learn the elements of the urban pattern
2. To learn the urban image elements
3. To understand the relation betweeun the urban space-human
4. To understand the relation betwwen the form, function and scale
5. To evaluate the positive and negative properties of the urban space
6. To able to use design skills
Required Facilities
Textbook Gehl, J., Gemzoe, L., 2001, New City Spaces, Danish Architectural Press.
Giritlioğlu, C., 1991, Şehirsel Mekân Öğeleri ve Tasarım, İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi
Baskı Atölyesi, Istanbul.
Other References Benz, G., 1970, Elements of urban form, McGraw-Hill.
Carmona, M.,Heath, T., Oc, T, Tiesdell, S., 2003, Public Places-Urban Spaces The
Dimensions of Urban Design, Architectural Press.
Miles, M., Kirkham, N., 2003, Cultures and Settlements, Intellect Books.
Edt.by Krieger, A., Saunders, W. S., 2009, Urban Design, University of Minnesota
Sheppard, M., 2015, Essentials of Urban Design, CSIRO Publishing.
Spreiregen, P.D., 1965, Urban Design: the architecture of towns and cities, McGrawHill.
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