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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimarlık Tarihinde Kavramlar
English Concep.in Hist.of Architecture
Course Code
ICM 103E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu
Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu
Course Objectives By the end of the semester, students are going:
- To understand the historical background of the Afro-Eurasian civilizations
- To examine the relationship between architectures of civilizations and their cultures in history.
- To examine in what ways different cultures end up with similar or different buildings and artefacts for certain themes.
- To compare the development process of building technologies and culture.
Course Description Concepts in History of Architecture course aims to create a critical point of view over cultures and architectures from different geographical regions and periods to enable the students comprehend the interactions and conflicts of their social environment, technics and technologies. Architectural and historical backgrounds of the civilizations and ideas will be critically investigated to evaluate their formal characteristics according to certain themes. The course also generates a research environment to discover not only the impressions or expressions and their artifacts, but also the social order, art and culture of the cultures. It is also aimed to make students aware of the fact that architecture is the product of social, cultural, religious and political forces and cannot be understood without introducing those issues and studying their place in the civilization or national history being analyzed.
Course Outcomes By the end of the course, the student will be able to
I. Obtain basic knowledge in basic concepts of architecture, history of architecture and urbanism
II. Gain the ability to make interdisciplinary research on related topics
III. Develop the skill of critical reading, thinking and expressing
IV. Possess knowledge on the role of geographical, historical, socio-cultural, ideological, political, economic and religious variables which form the space
V. Acquire the ability to assess the selected samples of “space” samples from different civilizations through out the history, in different contexts
VI. Develop capacity of questioning the intellectual background which shape the architectural- interior and architectural environment
Pre-requisite(s) none
Required Facilities This will be a lecture and discussion driven course including many digital components. For the online activities, you should have
1. A stable internet connection
2. A stable computer or tablet
3. Access to İTU Ninova Platform
Other References See the syllabus
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