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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarımda Yapay Zeka
English Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
Course Code
MYZ 306E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Leman Figen Gül
Course Objectives 1. To give basic knowledge about the basic concepts and applications of artificial intelligence,
2. To teach artificial intelligence tools and algorithms at a basic level
3. To provide the skill to benefit from artificial intelligence in problem-solving
4. To provide the skill to work in collaboration as a team
5. Raising awareness on the ethical use of artificial intelligence
Course Description Basic concepts, applications, and potential of artificial intelligence in architecture, planning, and design; AI-assisted design tools and software; exploration and development of AI-driven solutions for design problems; ethical issues and current approaches emerged with artificial intelligence.
Course Outcomes 1. Have knowledge about the basics and terminology of artificial intelligence
2. Understand the concept of Large Language Models
3. Acquire basic knowledge of current AI approaches, tools, and algorithms in the disciplines of architecture, planning, and design
4. Utilize artificial intelligence with awareness of ethical values
5. Gain practical experience in using AI through project
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