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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Introduction and Syllabus Briefing
2 Force, moment, rigid body term,
Equilibrium of forces,
3 İntroduction of load bearing systems and loads,
4 Evaluation of equilibrium problems for determinate systems,
Configuration of truss systems and determination of member forces,
5 Cable forces' calculation under single and distributed loads
6 MIDTERM EXAM (the exam week date is not clear)
7 Fall/Spring Break
8 Moment of inertia,
9 Stress and strain relationship of various structural materials
10 İnternal force distribution in structural systems,
11 Structural safety,Simple and combined strength cases
12 MIDTERM EXAM (the exam week date is not clear)
13 Simple and combined strength cases
14 Buckling problem of structural elements under compression
15 Review
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