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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Iç Mim.Tarih,Kuram &Elştri IV
English History, Theory and Criticism in Interior Architecture IV
Course Code
ICM 325 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
2 2 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu
Course Objectives To learn the fundamental approaches and concepts in 20th-century architecture
To conduct comparative readings on architecture and urban culture
To engage in critical readings on architectural culture and practice
To write academically proficient texts
Course Description The course History, Theory & Criticism in Interior Architecture IV aims to critically examine developments in space, culture, and daily life during the 20th century. One of the primary objectives of the course is to trace the flows and encounters of cultures in this increasingly interconnected period, and to discuss the background and formal characteristics of spatial practices. Within this scope, the course will address significant architectural texts through a comparative perspective within specific thematic frameworks.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully complete this course will gain the following knowledge, skills, and competencies:

Knowledge of the role of geographical, historical, socio-cultural, ideological, political, economic, and religious variables in shaping space
The ability to critically question the intellectual background that shapes the architecture-interior architecture environment and theories
The ability to read and interpret critical texts in the field of architectural culture
The ability to conduct research and present findings on related topics
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities To successfully follow this course and complete the assigned tasks, you will need the following equipment:

A computer or tablet with an internet browser and a word processing application (such as MS Word)
Internet connection
Access to the ITU Ninova system
Other -
Other References
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