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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Cam Tasarımı ve Üretim Teknolojisi
English Glass Design & Prod.Technology
Course Code
ENT 335E Credit Lecture
Semester 5
1 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ekrem Cem Alppay
Course Objectives 1. Gain a general historical knowledge about glass design
2. To have an extensive knowledge about glass production
3. To have knowledge about glass designs and designers
4. Application of glass design
Course Description History of glass design. Automatic production, technies and machinery. Handmade techniques (blovint, press, thermopormage, pate de verre v.s.). Mold materials and mold formulas (metal, clay, sand, plaster, ana fiber tolds). Enamels and painting on glass, coloring float glass. Kiln types. Cutting, grinding and polishing. Worl's famous glass producers. designers and designs. Mixture of glass with other materials.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Learn basic knowledge about glass design in general
2. Extend their theoretical knowledge about glass production methods
3. Improve their knowledge about glass design an designers
4. Design and produce new glass objects by the light of this background
Required Facilities
Other References Lundstrom, B., 1989, Glass Casting and Moldmaking, Camp Colton: Vitreous
Publication Inc..
Frantz, S. K., 1989, Contemporary glass, Corning Museum of Glass.
Lundstrom, B., and Schwoerer, D., 1987, Glass Fusing, Camp Colton: Vitreous Publication Inc.
Blanche Craig, 2008, Contemporary Glass, Black Dog.
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