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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İç Mimarlıkta Sürdürülebilirlik
English Sustainability in Inter.Arch.
Course Code
ICM 4039E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 3 3
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Shahryar Habıbı
Course Objectives Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will:

Understand fundamental concepts and principles of sustainability within the context of interior architecture.
Evaluate the environmental impact of materials, energy use, and waste management in interior spaces.
Apply sustainable design strategies to interior architecture projects.
Analyze lifecycle costs and energy efficiency in interior design processes.
Develop design solutions that promote health, comfort, and sustainability in interior environments.
Explore the relationship between sustainability, social equity, and ethical design practices.
These objectives aim to equip students with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to integrate sustainability into their design work.
Course Description This course explores sustainability concepts within the field of interior architecture, focusing on minimizing environmental impacts through thoughtful design. Students will study sustainable materials, energy efficiency, lifecycle analysis, and the integration of renewable energy systems in interior spaces. The course also covers social and economic dimensions of sustainability, examining how design can promote social equity and contribute to healthier, more efficient living environments. Through practical projects and theoretical insights, students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to incorporate sustainability into their interior architecture designs.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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