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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kırsal Peyzaj Planlama
English Rural Landscape Planning
Course Code
PEM 342E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Meltem Erdem Kaya
Course Objectives 1. To explain the planning techniques of natural areas, national parks, agricultural preservation areas, scientific reserve areas, biosphere reserve areas, irrigative areas, natural parks, natural monuments
2. To research rural landscape components in terms of planning and design
3. To research the planning process concerning rural landscape
Course Description Natural areas, national parks, agricultural preservation areas, scientific reserve areas, biosphere reserve areas, irrigative areas, natural parks, natural monuments are explained. Planning for agricultural landscape, forest landscape, recreational areas, resting facilities in forest. Erosion of soil, water and wind, problems of rural landscape, restoration of nature are explained.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Gain insight to the working areas of landscape architects concerning rural areas
2. Evaluate and analyze the components of rural landscape in conceptual framework
3. Produce ideas to solve problems concerning rural landscape planning process
4. Organize the spatial relations in rural landscape with different themes
5. Organize and evaluate specific issues such as agricultural landscape, forest landscape, recreational areas, resting spaces in forest areas
6. Gain insight to the methods of rural landscape planning Organize and evaluate the rural landscape planning process.
Pre-requisite(s) PEM 242 MIN DD or PEM 242E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Selman, P. 2006. Planning at the Landscape Scale, Routledge.
Other References Richards, I.G., Palmer, J.P., Barratt, P.A. 1993. The reclamation of former coal mines and steelworks, Elsevier.
Kendle, T. and Forbes, S. 1997. Urban Nature Conservation: Landscape Management in the Urban Countryside. Taylor & Francis.
Hart, J.F. 1998. The Rural Landscape. John Hopkins University Press.
Curry, N., Countryside Recreation, Access and Land Use Planning, E&FN SPON
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