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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tasarım Görselleştirme 1
English Design Visualization I
Course Code
EUT 141E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
4 - 4 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mehmet Erkök
Course Objectives 1. The introduction of the sketching techniques and materials in Industrial Design,
2. Developing basic drawing skills.
3. Bring in 2 and 3 dimensional thinking skills.
Course Description Basic geometric forms, product geometry, composition, 2 and 3 point perspective, perspective of circle and cylinder, ratio in perspective, ortogrphic views, shade and shadow in perspective, complex form definitions, pattern and sections, page layout, graphical layout, backgrouds, frames, human-object relationship, introduction to marker and rendering, usage of pastel and markers.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to;
1. Express their thoughts on paper properly in 2 and 3 dimension,
2. Fast sketching and fast visualization,
3. Learn the characteristics of drawing media while sketching,
4. Gain perspective perception and perspective drawing skills.
Pre-requisite(s) none
Required Facilities Studio, drawing tables, projection
Other References Sketching- drawing techniques for product designers / Koos Eissen, Roselien Steur Baskı (Amsterdam, Netherlands); BIS Publishers, c2007
Drawing for designers / Alan Pipes Baskı (London, UK); Laurence King Publishing Ltd, c2007
Visualizing ideas- from scribbles to storyboards / Gregor Krisztian, Nesrin Schlempp-Ülker Baskı (London, UK); Thames&Hudson Ltd, c2006
Design sketching / Erik Olofsson, Klara Sjölén Baskı (Umeå, Sweden); KEEOS
Design Books, c2005
The industrial designers guide to sketching : strategic use of sketching in the design process / Nenad Pavel Baskı (Trondheim), 2005
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