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1 General properties of the course, different kind of designs, the place of the structure in different scientific fields
2 Basic structural principles physics and resistance
3 Forms and geometries in design
4 Structure in product design, different structures in design and properties of the different kind of structures
5 Shell structures and their properties, materials used in shell structures, different designs having shell structures
6 Frame structures and their properties, materials used in these stuructures, diffrent designs have these kind of structures
7 Panels, space truss systems, their properties, materials used in these structures, designs have these kind of stuructures
8 Membrane structures, inflatable structure systems and their properties, materials used in these stuructures, diffrent designs have these kind of structures
9 Hung tensile systems, mixed structural systems, their properties, their effects on design, materials used in these structures, designs have these kind of structures
10 Properties of different structures in design, advantages and disadvantages of the variety of the structures, their effects on design
11 The factors on structure in design, relation between structure form function production technic material and texture
12 Structures which are using in the products often their properties, the relation between these structures and other factors related with design
13 Structures which are using in the products rarely, their properties, the relation between form material and function in these structures
14 Structures which will be in the future, effects of the new research and new materials on structures in the future |