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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bina Yapımında IK Yönetimi
English Human Resources Management in Building Construction
Course Code
MIM 455 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Fatma Heyecan Giritli
Course Objectives In all stages of building production process;
1. To intruduce concepts and theories related to HRM;
2. To gain the ability of basic skills related to human resources development techniques.
Course Description Human resource planning, staffing, selection and placement, performance appraisal and development, motivation and theories of motivation, team management, leadership and theories of leadership, interpersonal relationships and communication, interpersonal conflicts and conflict management.
Course Outcomes I (A1) Communication Skills: Ability to read, write, speak and listen effectively.
II (C4) Project Management: Understanding of the methods for competing for commissions, selecting consultants and assembling teams, and recommending project delivery methods.
III (C6) Leadership: Understanding of the techniques and skills architects use to work collaboratively in the building design and construction process and on environmental, social, and aesthetic issues in their communities
Required Facilities
Textbook LANGFORD ve diğerleri, (1995). Human Resources Management in Construction. Longman,London
Other References
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