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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yapı Bilgisine Giriş
English Introduction to Building Construction
Course Code
MIM 162 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 2 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Caner Göçer
Course Objectives 1. Concepts of building, building sub-systems.
2. Recognition of building element systems.
3. Recognition of building construction methods.
Course Description Concepts of building, architectural and construction technology. Introduction of building and construction methods according to the systems approach. Interaction of user-environment-building and introduction of environmental factors and expected performance characteristics in this context. Introduction of building subsystems. Presentation of building and construction methods with examples by considering building elements (wall, floor, roof, stairs, partitions) as systems.
Course Outcomes Technical Documentation: Ability to make technically clear drawings, write outline specifications, and prepare models illustrating and identifying the assembly of materials, systems, and components appropriate for a building design.
Investigative Skills: Ability to gather, assess, record, apply, and comparatively evaluate relevant information within architectural coursework and design processes.
Use of Precedents: Ability to examine and comprehend the fundamental principles present in relevant precedents and to make choices regarding the incorporation of such principles into architecture and urban design projects.
Sustainability: Ability to design projects that optimize, conserve, or reuse natural and built resources, provide healthful environments for occupants/users, and reduce the environmental impacts of building construction and operations on future generations through means such as carbon-neutral design, bioclimatic design, and energy efficiency.
Structural Systems: Understanding of the basic principles of structural behaviour in withstanding gravity and lateral forces and the evolution, range, and appropriate application of contemporary structural systems
Building Envelope Systems: Understanding of the basic principles involved in the appropriate application of building envelope systems and associated assemblies relative to fundamental performance, aesthetics, moisture transfer, durability, and energy and material resources.
Building Service Systems: Understanding of the basic principles and appropriate application and performance of building service systems such as plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation, security, and fire protection systems.
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