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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish SİT Koruma
English Site Conservation
Course Code
SBP 331 Credit Lecture
Semester 5
3 2 2 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Nuran Zeren Gülersoy
Ceyda Sungur
Course Objectives 1. Conservation and development of natural, archeological, historic and urban sites, 2. Identifying the role and importance of conservation sites in planning discipline.
Course Description Definition of conservation values and conservation concept. Pro-conservation and anti-conservation arguments. Types of conservation application. Evolution of conservation and site conservation concept and theoretical framework. Practice of site planning and site conservation in Turkey. Planning procedures, legislation, organization, finance and participation. Problems related to conservation implementation. Methodology of planning and conservation in natural, archeological, historic and urban areas. Re-use and conservation. New building in conservation area. Tourism and conservation. International review of experiences in site conservation
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to have components of knowledge, skills and values as:
I. Socio-cultural structure, the necessity of characterizing demands of the different cultural structures,
II. The effect of traditional patterns and properties on planning,
III. Differentiation which can be seen in the lifetime process of the settlements, conservation, physical
dilapidation, rehabilitation, regeneration etc,
IV. Every stage of planning and design process, gathering data, producing data, usage of analysing techniques,
defining problem and synthesizing,
V. The ability of multi-perspective analysis on different scale settlements, sensing the spatial assessments
from different perspectives,perception, defining and expressing,
VI. Sustainability of natural resources, social values and cultural heritage through the urban development,
VII. Identity elements which are defining the social and physical environment in urban settlements,
VIII. Increasing social and cultural level with all decisions improved for the country through planning and
design processes,creating healthier life conditions, saving the existing cultural heritage
Required Facilities
Other References GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran, TEZER, Azime, YİĞİTER, Reyhan, KORAMAZ T. Kerem, GÜNAY Zeynep, İstanbul Project: İstanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study; Volume 1: Conservation of Cultural Assets in Turkey, Volume 2: Zeyrek Case, Volume 3: Suleymaniye Case, Volume 4: Yenikapı Case, İstanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, Ofset Yapımevi, Istanbul. 2008.
COHEN, Nahoum, Urban planning, conservation, and preservation, McGraw-Hill, New York, ABD, 2001
LARKHAM, Peter J., Conservation and the city, Routledge, Londra, İngiltere, 1996.
ZEREN, Nuran, Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planlarının Uygulama Sorunları, İTÜ Çevre ve Şehircilik Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi İstanbul. 1991.
PEARCE, David; Conservation Today, Routledge, London. 1989.
ZEREN, Nuran Architectural Site Conservation in Turkey, University of Nottingham, Institute of Planning Studies, Nottingham. 1985.
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