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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bitirme Çalışması
English Graduation Project
Course Code
EUT 492 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
3 - 6 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Şebnem Timur
Course Objectives 1. Realization of a research based industrial design project.
2. Testing of the students’ knowledge and skills gained in previous terms.
3. Testing of the students compliance with time and work plan.
4. Testing of the students skills in presenting the tasks carried out in different phases of the industrial design project.
Course Description Product Design Project based on Research, Definition of a Design Problem, Research, Reporting,Concept Development, Concept Detailing, Design Concept Testing, Design Freeze, 2 and 3 Dimensional Presentation of the Project.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Analyze a design problem from the point of view of a professional designer.
2. Prepare an in depth research and report about the subject and make use of the results as direct
input into the design work.
3. Be capable of conducting a design process.
4. Embed identity into the innovative and original design work.
5. Communicate professionally the ideas developed about the design concept, qualitative
properties, function and production methods of the product.
Pre-requisite(s) EUT 413E MIN DD veya EUT 413 MIN DD veya EUT 411 MIN DD and Others
Required Facilities
Other References
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