MET 432 - Production and Characterization of Metallic Nanoparticles
Course Objectives
1.Implementation of the importance of nanoparticles for nanotechnological applications and nanostructured materials.
2.Teaching of different nanoparticle production methods
3.Teaching of physical, chemical, magnetic and optical characteristics of materials at nanoscale
4.Teaching of different characterization techniques and approaches applied to nanoparticles and nanostructured
5.Providing new skills to the students for the implementation of contemporary technological applications and solution to related problem.
Course Description
Introduction to Nanotechnology – 1 and 2, Description of the Nanoparticles, Inorganic Nanoparticles, Production Methods: Inert Gas Condensation Method, Ultrasonic Spay Pyrolysis and Hydrogen Reduction Method, Sol-Gel Method, Laser Method, The Technic of Arc Plasma, Chemical Vapour Condensation Method, Microwave Plasma Method, Precipitation from Solution, Mechanical Alloying, Characterization of Physical and Chemical Properties, Characterization of Optic and Photonic Properties, Characterization of Electronic and Magnetic Properties, Production and Characterization of Nanocomposites-polymers, Production and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes, Industrial Applications.
Course Coordinator
Sebahattin Gürmen
Course Language