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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Biyokimyasal Prosesler ve Biyoteknolojiye Giris
English Introduction to Biochemical Processes and Biotechnology
Course Code
BEN 111 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ramazan Kızıl
Course Objectives Ultimately, the course is devised to teach students the basic concepts of biotechnology and bioengineering to develop a good understanding of biological and chemical aspects of bioprocess technologies. Students will learn the engineering approaches used in biotechnology at the introductory level.
Course Description The historical development and importance of biochemical processes and biotechnology. An overview of chemical and biological aspects of bioprocessing and biotechnology. Introduction of fermentation biotechnology. Introduction of engineering principles used in biochemical production. The future of biotechnology and molecular genetics.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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