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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Metalurji Termodinamiğinin Temelleri
English Fundamentals of Metallurgical Thermodynamics
Course Code
MET 215 Credit Lecture
Semester 3
- 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Süheyla Aydın
Course Objectives 1 - To provide students to understand basic concepts of thermodynamics and importance in metallurgical and materials engineering.
2 - To provide students to understand importance of energy and energy saving in metallurgical and materials engineering.
3 - To provide students to perform thermodynamic calculations for basic metallurgical and materials engineering processes
4 - To provide students to use thermodynamic in the selection of processes in metallurgical and materials engineering.
Course Description The first law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, heat capacity, heat of reaction, combustion and fuels, flame temperature, second law of thermodynamics, entropy and the criterion for equilibrium, third law of thermodynamics, variation of entropy as a function of temperature, free energy, equilibrium in thermodynamic systems, phase equilibrium in a one-component system, standard Gibbs free energy change, equilibrium constant, oxidation reactions, Ellingham diagrams, reduction of oxides.
Course Outcomes 1 - Using the first law of thermodynamics, under constant pressure calculate enthalpy change(=heat energy) of a substance or reaction with changing temperature,
2 - Calculate optimum combustion conditions of a fuel,
3 - Calculate energy balance in basic metallurgical and materials engineering processes,
4 - Using second and third law of thermodynamics; calculate change of entropy as a function of temperature,
5 - Examine phase equilibrium in a one-component systems by means of free energy
6 - Calculate thermodynamic equilibrium conditions of systems and to determine whether a chemical reaction is thermodynamically possible.
7 - Calculate the equilibrium composition of reactions.
8 - Ability to determine oxygen, sulphur, etc. affinity of metals and compare stability of metal oxides, sulphids with each other.
9 - Ability to select proper reductant and temperature for processes.
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